This is Laura Lee Rose, a business and efficiency coach that specializes in professional development, time management, project management and work-life balance strategies. In my Professional Development Toolkit package , I go into professional development and real-world IT topics in detail. If you are interested in more training in these areas, get signed up
I recently was asked for advice for small business owners on ways to build a strong, positive culture at work.

I talk more about this in my Professional Development Toolkit at
- Have that one project that you have been stalled on?
- Need objective eyes on your problem?
- Need just a different way to look at the solutions?
I have helped people on a per project basis. For example: mapping out the pros and cons of two job offers; revamping their resume to attract more corporate interest; managing their boss; and narrowing the direction of their next steps. I have reasonable rates for per project consulting. No long contracts and discounts for continued enrollment.
All the Tools You Need to Get Ahead
Keeping a fast-paced, professional career can be challenging. There always seems to be too much to do, too many ideas to decide upon, and not enough time in a day. And sometimes it’s really hard to tell what career and business advice applies to you and what doesn’t.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have access to a secret vault of resources that help you save time and plan smart, plus give you actionable steps to kick-start your advancement and demystify what it takes to be successful? I mean, that’s practically everything you could ever need to be successful and advance in your chosen profession? The good news is, it’s not a secret!
Our Professional Development Toolkit combines four learning media into one powerful set of strategy, insight, and actionable ideas so you can get momentum in your career today. We have a knack for taking big ideas and converting them into smart, sound, and actionable ideas. We have practice scenarios in real-world, real-life working environments to inspire the required change in you and those surrounding you.
Try it and let me know what you think