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What is happening on

You may have noticed a new look and feel as well as updated content.  David Bakhtnia (Sponsor) and Donald Stringari, (Product Owner) put the word out in January 2019 and recruited volunteers to form a Scrum project to update the website:  The volunteers include:

Scrum Team:

  • Ashwani Kumar Sinha
  • Dena Donahue
  • Igor Kim
  • Liz Garcia
  • MJ Combest
  • Satyvani (Vani) Kakarla

The project includes updating content, look and feel, links and indexing. We started with setting up Trello and Slack for project management and communication. Igor Kim lead the charge by researching WordPress and recommending Astra for the new layout. Igor has also put the color scheme out for a vote. Vani has been our scrum master going forward and is working with Donald to create the Product Backlog. Ashwani created a google account and set up google analytics for the site. Dena reached out to bloggers Kimberly Wiefling, Loyal Mealer and Josh Nankivel to obtain new content.  Liz recommended new fonts and has started on color schemes.

If you the users want to add anything to the project, just let us know in the comments


2 thoughts on “What is happening on”

  1. Hi Dena,

    You did such a great job explaining the structure of the Scrum team as well as explaining how each member has contributed to the new changes observed in the SVPM website.

    Scarnati (2001, p. 5) describes teamwork “as a cooperative process that allows ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results”. The author states that teamwork relies on individuals working together in a collaborative environment to achieve a set of common goals, sharing skills and knowledge.

    I particularly like how SVPM uses Agile Methodologies to promote team collaboration. As mentioned in your post, Igor posted a poll to vote for the website color scheme, including the rest of the team in the activity he was responsible to perform. This is the clear benefit of teamwork, achieving more together than the single parts separately.

    I am currently part of the development team at SVPM working on integrating a new plug in to enable learning capabilities in our platform. The goal is to build a virtual space where new volunteers can watch training videos on how SVPM is organize and works. Until today, teamwork has been key in the completion of our task. We all share knowledge, teach each other skills and work together to achieve the best results.

    I would also like to start a conversation thread: What was the last time you work in a team? what were the benefits of teamwork collaboration?

    Tarricone, P., & Luca, J. (2002). Successful teamwork: A case study. Retrieved from

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