Thinking of playing it safe in your career and your life? Don’t! Kimberly shares the importance of taking risks in this 1 minute video.
* Thanks to Japjot Sethi of Gloopt for making this professional video!
Project management wisdom from practitioners and the UCSC Extension in Silicon Valley
Project management wisdom from practitioners and the UCSC Extension in Silicon Valley
Thinking of playing it safe in your career and your life? Don’t! Kimberly shares the importance of taking risks in this 1 minute video.
* Thanks to Japjot Sethi of Gloopt for making this professional video!
Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose. I am a speaker and author. I am an expert in time and project […]
PROJECT MANAGEMENT BEST PRACTICES TO AVOID CAREER LIMITING MOVES – PART 1 of 3 Jeff Schlageter President, Project Acceleration [email protected] […]
Recently Justine Timberlake toured the talk-show circuit to promote his new 20/20 Experience (part 1) CD. I don’t know much about Justine Timberlake, but have…