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I can’t believe you all fit in there. Technology is amazing.

How do you break into project management when you have been running your own business for over a decade?
C. D. from New York City wrote to me recently asking about this.
I’m going to jump in and out of first to third person, and I’ve updated this to be much more robust than my original reply via email to C. D.
Stay with me.
Here’s the Skinny
C. D. has been running her own freelance business for many years, and even though it’s been great and she does good work it’s time for a change. Her whole life has been running projects, just not in a formal way aside from the processes that have emerged in her business.
C. D. had read my post For Those Pursuing Project Management Careers and is confident she possesses all of the qualities we discussed in spades.
“Although I have been managing projects for a while, and I believe I have a natural aptitude for it, I have no formal training in the field, and many of the industry terms tossed around on pmstudent.com and elsewhere are foreign to me. I’ve been heartened to find so much information on the Web, and yet, with so much, it’s hard to know where to begin.” – C. D. in New York City
Seems Like a Good Fit To Me
“It certainly sounds as if you have all of the attributes of a good PM. I completely understand where you are at, I was there about 5 years ago. I had managed a lot of projects, but with an operational mindset and without formal knowledge of project management.” – Josh, from the front of the computer screen
I don’t think she was pulling my leg about being suited for this kind of work either.
I got a distinct sense through our communication that she is a go-getter, very intelligent, and has both the people skills and experience to go places very fast once she gets her foot in the door.
My Take
A few considerations come to mind:
Get Your Foot In The RIGHT Door
I think this is a critical thing that many job-seekers miss, regardless of your role. Look for an environment in which you can flourish first. I have a LOT of experience looking for jobs (hey, I didn’t get fired OK?) due to having been laid off 5 times (so far).
Things have rarely happened to me by throwing my resume out to the job boards. I stopped doing that long ago. When I started researching companies (not jobs), networking as a way of life by helping others (not just when looking for a job), and reaching out directly to people in my prospect companies, things began to happen.
It’s a lot of work and produces results. There is no easy button.
1) Look for companies that are very project-oriented. Medium to large firms who’s business model is geared towards completing projects for their customers are best. Several benefits here:
- Once this kind of firm gets to a certain size, it’s inevitable that they will develop solid, formal project management practices for their business. Otherwise, they die.
- This is likely to be a mentor-rich environment.
- You are more likely to be provided with formal PM training in a company like this.
- You can join in a capacity you are already very comfortable with as a member of the project team; be a sponge, volunteer as much as possible for things related to project management….generate new ideas where you can volunteer even!
One Step Back, Two Steps Forward
2) Look for jobs that have titles like “project analyst”, “project coordinator”, “business analyst”, etc. This is a bit hit-and-miss, because different companies call these positions by different titles. I had a job where I was an “MIS analyst” and doing development/process improvement to start out, then transitioned the % of my time spent doing project management up over time.
You will be more likely to land a position like this right out of the gate than to have a significant project handed to you. This goes well with the last bullet from the previous section; make sure you are in an organization where you can volunteer to run small projects, go out of your way to assist and learn from veteran project managers, and establish a great track record in the organization.
As far as training goes, I’m working on something to make getting into PM much easier than it was for me. I floundered around for a long time and ran into a lot of the same things you are describing. Right now, I’m working on training material that gets people past the “beginner” stage. The intent is for this training to be more like “look over my shoulder and see how I do it” rather than a theory-based abstract course.
Hopefully my project management career newsletter helps too. I keep making it better as I get feedback, so if anyone has suggestions for me to improve it, connect with me and let me know!
Your Turn
You right there reading these words right now. Yeah, you!
It’s time to offer up your own advice for C. D. and others in a similar situation. Leave a comment below and let’s have a conversation!
Very good points Josh. I agree with the importance of choosing a company that fit with you and your goals. We often focus on the position itself, but if we don’t fit in the corporate culture, the chances of success are slim.
Exactly! Thanks for the comment Karine!
It’s the “give it to me now!” mentality that is so prevalent these days. Doing a job search has it’s merits too, but don’t just apply for everything that looks like it may be a project manager role.
A project manager in one environment may have a COMPLETELY different role than another project manager in another organization. It varies across industry, size and business model of the company, and many other factors of the culture.
My favorite method of finding a good place where I can be happy and add value? Referrals from people in my network who work there already and love it!
Josh Nankivel
Project Management Career Coaching